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Earth Day Fun Facts

Earth Day is on April 22, 2008.

Earth Day was founded on April 22, 1970 and is the most celebrated environmental event. Over 100 countries celebrate Earth Day!

For more information about earth day, please visit:





Earth Day Coloring Pages

Another great resource for free earth day coloring pages is available from the epa. Visit here. Requires the Acrobat Reader.

Take your Green IQ at

STOP using plastic bags, plastic bags are made from petroleum and are very harmful to the environment. If you have to get plastic bags please reuse them. For more information check out :

For Teachers and Educators please visit:

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TIP: Earth Day is a great day to plant a new tree, or visit recycling center, or even go to a park and volunteer to collect trash! crayon logo

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Change your lightbulbs

spring flowers, coloring page, printable

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If you would like higher resolution images for coloring we sell the coloring pages at 300 dpi in our store in coloring page collections delivered as an ebook. Coloring books start at $1.99 and are delivered in .pdf format.

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